Thursday, January 22, 2009

My friend S

I have a friend. Let's call her S. S is a size 8, blonde, law student blessed with features bestowed upon her by venus herself. A bikini model by day, law student with sexy librarian glasses by night. 
Anyways, S had a bf, D, for douche bag. S and D began their 41/2 yr relationship long distance and finally closed the gap between them 2 yrs ago. S and D were one of 'those' couples, they did EVERYTHING together. Trips away, you had to invite both to a party, everyday sleepovers whatever you get the picture. 
One day D told S that he needed a break. Some time to 'find' himself. Sweet. 
Poor S, she stood by the phone for 3 weeks. Not to mention her dad just suffered yet another heart attack. PLUS she was in the middle of her exams. 
She failed her exams, had nobody to talk to in terms of her dad and stopped eating and sleeping. 
Wait it gets better.
About a week later, D calls S up in the afternoon telling her he wants to work things out. That night he rang her up to announce he changed his mind and they were over. 
2 days after that, D starts seeing this 18 yr old teeny bopper. About 3 days after that, he calls S up to tell her he misses her and that they would get back together in time. 
S is stuck in limbo land of breakup. So she gets worse day by day. 

My other friend E went overseas last year and came back a totally diferent person. She ditched all her lousy hanger on friends and had wicked hair. 

B used to be so quiet. She surprised me about 2 yrs ago when she tipped water all over a guys head at the pub. She's totally mad and funky now and is going out with a black guy. They will make beautiful babies one day and i will be their favourite auntie. They'll be like "Auntie vetty auntie vetty, your way cooler than mummy and daddy." Or "Auntie vetty Auntie vetty can u buy us beer?"Or "Auntie vetty Auntie vetty, come hang out with my 18yr old friends because you don't look a day older than 18." Yes.
Anyways, back to S. . .
Um I kinda forgot what i was going to say....oh well! Gotta bounce! 

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