The rantings of a drama queen
Monday, May 23, 2011
They are always epic. And if they are not, well, something has gone wrong somewhere boys. The engagement is known as the trial period before the marriage. The marrying of 2 families, the marrying of friends and finally and most importantly, the marrying of tastes between the couple. It all starts with the ring. I have heard of stories where the "wrong" ring in itself has caused a 5 year relationship to go out the window. Girls are easily persuaded that "If he doesn't know what suits me by now, then well, he doesn't know me at all. "
Well this may be true in areas such as her fabourite colour, an engagement ring is a whole new genre in itself. I always firmly believe in the hint dropping of catolouges, or a gentle nudge towards the right assortment whilst you are causally walking down jewellery stores. But if that all seems too tough, then informing your maid of honour to drop hints would definately seal the deal as well.
I turned 24 not too long ago and everyone who knows me well enough know that I hate turning older. A good friend of mine who is my age, decided to go on a date with an older man....he was pushing 50. Obviously, my initial reaction was to be in shock but hey, I really shouldn't judge people.But I couldn't wipe the look off my own face when she told me that he had reached 3rd base.....
So back to looking at engagement party venues.
stay alive and kicking people.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sometimes I get caught up in this whole world that I am being thrusted in that I forget to take the time out to blog and let you in on it. For that I apologise, but trust me, it has been worth your wait.
So, from where I let you in on the last time. I was offered a full time position at Electric Ladyland which I took and had to quit my other job. But it definately came at a price. A price that if someone had told me from the start had existed, I may not have so eagerly taken the offer just like that.
Politics and sabotaging
It did not take long for this to set in. From the first day that I had introduced a new bar scheme into this new work place ( because come on, let's face it. It's what I'm fucking good at), I was met with so much hostility and negativity. Obviously taking the reigns off from someone else that had been there longer, had put me up for the promotion and had always thought that I would be his little lap dog, it did not once occur to me that he would have such a problem with new change being brought in. It all ended with one big screaming match, few complaints to the big boss, alot of snide remarks, public humiliation, and a rumour that he had started spreading that I will never ever forgive him for. If you are reading this, and I hope to god you are, everything that you have worked so hard for in your life, I will take away from you. I am not a hateful person but dear sir, you have brought out the worst in me
Allies. I use that term loosely because his hot and cold treatment definately gives me whiplash. The most eccentric of any person I have ever met in my life, that is not what baffles me. My biggest problem with him was his lack of commitment not to the workplace,. but to the staff. But I think over time, it has been improving in my eyes. Not to mention, the attitude that he carries around gives me the sense of feeling that he is not as intelligent as I have made him out to being my head. I feel like I am waiting all the time for him to surprise me and go Ta da! Look Yvette, this is what I am made off! I am really really smart and know what I am doing, I am just going through a stretch of hard times atm, that is why you haven't seen me doing my best work! Everything is super unorganised, from staff rostering to stock take to just generally the essentials that the bar requires. I pick up his slack, even though I do not think this was ever in my job description (fuck, I do not get paid enough to do his job and mine). I ask myself sometimes why I do it, I feel it's not only for the job here, it is most of the time, for the staff. Because at the end of the day, I have fallen so hard for them it's not even funny. They are the best people in the world.
I have never grown to love people so much than I have at this point in my life today. I never thought I would ever have the capability to love people so much. It was just never in me. I have always said that I would have loved to be a mother but lacked the qualities that would have ever been a great one. I think the 3 months that I have been here have definately changed my opinion on that. This new crew that put up with my shit 24/7, and by that I mean the amount of chops and changed that this place has had to put up with as well. To new schemes, to new rules, to new adherences, without so much as a confrontatioin, but a smile and a hug at the best of times. I will be honest and say that the majority of the reason for why I am still here at the end of the day is because of them. Because even if I have fight after fight with my boss, I come downstairs and see their smiling faces and I know that everything WILL be ok. Because of them. Something that I feel he lacks and will never understand.
Personal life
Completely blank. When it comes to trying to fit this into my schedule these days, I just have no room for it atm. But all will change, because I have holidays coming up soon and I cannot wait to get. the. fuck. out. of. here.
Take care of each other.
Stay alive and kicking people
Happy Easter
Sunday, March 27, 2011
R.I.P. Pudding
Friday, March 11, 2011
You come at a price I'm not willing to pay
I finished work on Saturday night wanting to kill someone. With John passing and the bittersweet emotions that were running through my head as I previously had posted, top it off with having to deal with the rantings of R when she was off her head, it definitely was a little too much. As I watched her throw herself around and flop herself over my boss’s lap, smacking people across the head, I felt like I was watching everything in slow motion.
And then it clicked to me.
I am not invincible and I cannot save everyone.
Sure I give everyone that advice, I tell people that it is ok to let someone down once in a while, its ok to not always be there for someone. I mean we can’t be everyone and everywhere 24/7. But the rule never really applied to me, I was the exception in my head. I could save everybody.
No I cannot. And I accept that. Well, I am trying to.
So, all I wanted to do on Saturday night after work was to go home to bed. Of course, instead I went out dancing. Top nights.
On my way home, I was dropping off Troy, my bar manager, banging guy, love him to bits. Talking about life, talking about price. How some people were just not worth the price.
I guess the hard part was pretending. Pretending that I didn’t know, only because I really loved these 2 guys. There were such rad dudes to me, the hurt that I could see on their faces.
And then he said to me
“ It isn’t my job to take care of people’s feelings, I’m there to make the place make money.”
How selfish.