Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Baby Michael

Baby Michael has moved in. Its been good! Although we did get all dressed up to go to this concert, and it ended up being on tomorrow night instead.....

So we roamed around St Kilda and treated ourselves to a tasty delight. Cold Rock....well there goes my efforts at the gym! Lol....

I can't really put my finger as to when the last time my sister and I had actually hung out and talked the way we  did tonight. Walking through the city, getting shouted by homeless people, talking about life, love....advice from each other. It was great.

In the end when we both came home with a smile on our faces.

This is the start of a beautiful relationship.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I want Abs.

I want Abs. 
Im gonna get Abs. 

Are u excited that uni is starting? Whoo hoo. I am.....
And not only that I have 2 days off in a row next week......thats even more exciting......

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I met Humphrey Bear last night.

First of all, let me say the show The ex wives club is the best show in the world. Angie Evert, Shar Jackson, and whatever Donald Trumps ex wife's name ....Ah Marla Maple...are the ladies that host the show.  Basically if your bf/gf, partner, husband/wife dumped u and ou felt like u know you were the victim in thw whole thing, you go to these women and they help you get through it. They send you to 'bootcamp' and teach you how to 'let another man touch u again'. It is quite entertaining. Also you get the dirt on Kevin federline and Donald Trump. I love goss.

Anyways I ended up on the couch watching this junk because I am hungover and feeling like crap....trying to recuperate before I have to go to work tonight. Bleah. 

I finally managed to catch up with a friend of mine whom I havent seen probably since my 21st when pretty much after she uped and went to Europe. I remember calling her one night asking her whether she wanted to go out. Response yeah definately cept Im in Turkey atm. Bahahahaha. 
Anyways shes pretty much known as my Twin. So one glass of sauv turned into lets get the bottle into lets get another bottle....into ahhh we have time for one more bottle. U know ur ready to black out when u burst out laughing when you hear your friend used to be a cutter and u suggest you create a cutting party on facebook and the both of you just laugh till u burp.
Needless to say, many many many untellable tales were shared. Just as we were about to leave, of course we get invited by this gorgeous asian woman....hang on I actually cant really remember if she was hot.....anyways she invited us to go play with her friends. One of them claimed to be some porn star known as the masked porn star.....yeah right....anyways.....his other friends tell me that he is infact Humphrey Bear. 
The Humphrey Bear
I am drunk.
I start getting super excited!
Jumping around.
Omg Omg Omg.....
Humphrey Bear.....

Twin, if your reading this......ha ha ha.